Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Shake it off

My emotions, good or bad, have controlled my life for as long as I can remember. Depression, fear, and guilt have been my most natural responses when life throws me a curve ball. I curl up in a little ball and hide from the world. The bad thing about this response is I'm hiding from the very thing I want to help change. How can I tell my story when I'm driven by these destructive emotions? The truth is, I can't.

This morning I was drinking my coffee and reading my Bible, asking God to change me. He brings me to a scripture I have read so many times and have hanging by my front door. Joshua 24:15 says to choose this day who you will serve. That's when it hit me. I've been serving my emotions every day. I choose to dwell on depression, guilt, fear, and all the other things I feel on a daily basis instead of dwelling on God. He's the One who knows me and protects me. He is the One who holds my future. All the turmoil I feel inside is made to destroy, not bring life.

So this day I choose God. I choose to let Jesus go deeper than my wounds. I choose to let Him and His Words guide me and leave the rest behind.


  1. I absolutely love this ! Very well said. This really touched me. Thank you for being so open.

  2. Whoa. That'll preach. I struggle with this. Thank you for your vulnerability, openness and courage in your blog.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thank you so much! I'm just trying to be obedient to the Lord and that is a struggle sometimes!

  3. I struggle with those same things. It's gotten less over the years as I've soaked in more of God's peace and goodness, but depression, shame and guilt are my default mode.

    1. It can be very difficult, but with God we are victorious!

  4. This little post spoke to me deeply this morning. I love this gem: 'I choose to let Jesus go deeper than my wounds.' He heals us from the inside out, doesn't he? Thank you for putting thoughts to words today.

  5. Girl you just spoke some freedom there. Well done. :)

  6. Quite relatable. (((((big hugs)))))) I've repented of this many times. Thank you God for being bigger than me and my feelings.
