Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Just Because He Never Hit You...

You exalted me above my foes; from a violent man you rescued me.  Psalm 18:48

Just because he has never hit you, doesn't mean it's not abuse.  My husband never hit me. He threw things at me occasionally, but he never put his hands on me.  I was still abused. 

He kept me isolated from my family and friends. I wasn't allowed to have a driver's license or use the phone whenever I wanted. I couldn't work, but when I did, he kept the money.  I was belittled and made to feel like I was always the one in the wrong.  I was called names.  My children and I were made to live with no heat, no electricity, and sometimes no running water.  He told me that nobody else would ever want someone like me.  He told me once that he would kill me and then kill himself.  I believe he would have.  And the lies....the many lies he told.

I'm writing this to let you know that you can make it.  I know the lies you believe, because I believed them too. You don't think you can do it, but you can.  You are worth more than the words he says.  There are people who love you and will help you.  Most importantly, there is Jesus.

I never thought I would be free, but I am. I never thought I would have enough strength, but I did.  I never thought  anyone would love me, but He does.

And you are loved, too.

If possible, find someone you trust to talk to.  If there isn't anyone, talk to me.  God has plans for you. He has an abundant life waiting for you. He has an amazing future with your name on it.  Delight in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart (Psalm 37:4), just like He has done for me.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing this, Jessica. Your words are so valuable - and I'm praying for those who are longing to open up about their situation, to have the strength to believe everything you've written, and then to be able to take action.
